Philip L. Mason BDS (U.Birm) 1970, FDS D.Orth RCS (Eng)
I have known Dave now for 20 years or more and have used his laboratory exclusively for my orthodontic work. I have always found the work to be of excellent quality and very suitable both for NHS and private patients. There seems to be nothing that the lab cannot deliver. I would be lost without their support. I can thoroughly recommend their work.
Dr Amol Jain (GDC No. 183973)
As a provider of private fixed orthodontics and Invisalign, I consider the work provided by The Ortho Lab to be of premium quality. Their attention to detail with respect to designing, accuracy of fit, and most importantly the comfort to the patient has been consistently reinforced with high patient feedback. They are very approachable and always happy to offer their wealth of clinical knowledge and expertise which has assisted me in treatment planning.
Dr Robert Slater BDS (Birm), FDSRCS (Edin), MSc (Lond), M. Orth RCS (Edin)
I have used the Ortho Lab for over 10 years now and during that time I have got to know them well. They are very knowledgeable about orthodontics and as well as carrying out good quality lab work, the team has always been helpful to me when appliances have needed to be designed in specific ways, that do not necessarily follow the norm. There have been many occasions over the years where, simply through patient demand, I have had time pressure to have work completed and they are very willing to help in these situations. I would always be happy to recommend The Ortho Lab as they have pride in what they do and, just as importantly, the appliances always fit for me.